One of those things that cats are fabulous at is stretching to the max. We lowly humans can only dream of having the amazing stretching abilities of the everyday cat. It wouldn’t surprise me if yoga was originally invented by cats.

The cat stretch is most common when the temperature is a bit on the high side, but you can encounter it anytime, really. Because stretching just feels good! Pro-tip: if you have a cat, whenever they stretch themselves, join in the fun. It’s good for you!

A stretching cat can become very long. That’s why Longcat is a thing. It’s amazing to see how much of a perceivable length/size difference there can be. Fiona was especially good at looking very long.

Of course, you can become creative with stretching. You can even do it on your back, once you’re a bit more experienced!

The experts among us can even stretch and bend sideways at the same time! How’s that for pro-stretching?

Once you’ve got that sideways thing down to a pat, you can bend the other half of your body in the other direction. Make sure to do a proper warm up before attempting this!

Bonus points if you can make it look as if your spine can rotate 180 degrees!

Look at your audience to see if they’re impressed with your agility.

Or be practical and stretch while you’re guarding the front door at the same time.

If you have a chair at home (and who doesn’t?), you can use gravity to enhance your stretch further. Make a beautiful curve and look relaxed doing it.

One of the nice things about stretching is that you can also show off your nails.

Keep those nails in good condition by stretching at your dancing pole.

Stretch on the cat walk to practice your balance. Not for beginners!

And when you are having an off-day, just put your feet up and do a lazy stretch on the couch!