This morning, Freya passed away peacefully, surrounded by her humans. She had been eating very little since last Friday, and getting more IV fluids to support her kidneys at the vet didn’t help. There was nothing more we could do. She was not getting better, only worse, and we did not want her to suffer.
Freya leaves such a big hole in my life. I first met her when she was 4 weeks old, and she fell asleep in the palm of my hand. I fell in love with her immediately. Four weeks later, she and her sister Fiona moved in with me.
Over the years we’ve become close friends, a bonded pair, you could say. She followed me around like a little shadow, always ready to cuddle or play or investigate, and I was always aware of where she was. We invented little games and rituals together and we loved each other so much. The house feels so very empty right now.
We’ve had a wonderful time together and I’m so very grateful to have shared over sixteen years of my life with Freya. The decision to let her go was very difficult, even though it was the right thing to do.
Dear friends, thank you for all your support and love over the last few months when Freya was ill. I’ve appreciated it immensely. She was such a special cat. I already miss her so much.
Oh, liebe Meilindi, es tut mir so sehr leid. Du hast das Richtige getan, aber ich weiß, wie schwer es ist und wie traurig du jetzt bist.
Ich denke an dich und fühle mit dir. Meine liebe Lilo, die im Mai gehen musste, wird jetzt auf Freya aufpassen.
Liebe Grüße
Oh, how devastating this must be! You’ve been good to her and have given her a great life.
liefs, veel liefs.