The silk scarf is done! Well, almost, I still need to wash it and cut the fringe. But the weaving is finished. It’s become quite a nice long, thin, soft scarf. The silk works well for weaving. It looks crisp, and this silk yarn is just the right thickness (500m/50g) for my 60/10 reed.

Meanwhile the rest of my order has arrived. I now have pick up sticks and Vari Dent reeds. I also got the finishing wax for the loom and a woven bag for my loom in bright, happy colours:

With the Vari Dent reed I can mix and match different yarn thicknesses in the warp now! Or use it to create less/extra space in the weft. I can also explore double weave (double width or double EPI). I might wax my loom first. Tons to do! But not today, because a good friend is visiting and I won’t have time. Maybe next weekend!