I know that it’s already January 4th, but here in The Netherlands you are allowed to give your well-wishes for the new year during the whole first week of January. I hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year’s! I went to visit my brother and his family in Germany for Christmas, and it was very nice to be there. We enjoyed each others company a lot, and it was great to see how my niece and nephew experienced the magic of Christmas!

We brought gifts for the kids (pre-approved, of course) and the gift for my niece was the doll above. It’s a pregnant teenage doll (that is its literal name…). The doll has two babies, and a removable belly in which you can put a baby. We were a little bit aghast that something like this can be bought in a toy store, but at the same time we were laughing our heads off because of this horribly inappropriate but oh so well-fitting present for my niece. She did indeed love it!
Unfortunately I caught a virus in Germany and have spent the past week coughing, blowing my nose, and coughing more. It’s a bad virus, my ears are not working well either, and my lungs are full of moisture. I had some big plans for my week off last week, but those are out the window.
I wanted to start weaving on a simple rigid heddle loom that I’m borrowing from a friend. Instead I wove a bit on my zoom loom until that was too hard on my brain too. The days are long if you are not feeling well, and if your head does not feel like doing stuff… But enough about germs. Let’s talk about making fun stuff! I did manage to create some things before the virus took over.
I’ve been drawing with a brush pen a bit. It’s Japanese import. It works like a fountain pen, but it has a brush instead of a metal tip. You can use ink cartridges to refill. It’s a nice technique to try! Not easy, though… I did have to get used to having only two options: 1) a line 2) nothing. There is no real gradation in intensity if you work with this pen. You have to suggest that by drawing textures. I’m making small drawings in my 7×10 cm doodle booklet. It’s easier to work in black and white now that the days are so dark.
I’ve also been using my zoom loom. It’s addictive!

In between I have knitted a small present to be included in a mini swap. It’s the first time that I’ve made a tassel!

I have given my Multiscarf to my sister-in-law as her Christmas present. I did really like the texture and thickness of the sock weight brioche, so I decided to cast on a similar scarf for myself in two handspun yarns.

The two skeins go quite well together!

I’m glad that my brain can handle knitting simple brioche at the moment. It’s fun to see the colours develop, and knitting with handspun yarn is just always very special.