These pencils are so much fun! They’re little firecrackers of pigment, and if you’re not careful in applying them, the colours will burn your retina! Just kidding. They are seriously awesome, though. Today I’ve doodled away. First step: draw something.

You can barely make out what it is. For now.
Next, let’s add the (not so) secret ingredient: water.

Poof! There it is.
Actually I was trying to see what kind of shades I could make with red, yellow and green in the background. Making darker shades is harder than making them bright. The bottom right is a mix of green, magenta, and some dark blue. I added an extra layer, which is very obvious. I like it more than the in-your-face brightness of the left side, though. I think I like mud…
Alright, we can do bold and bright. But how about subtle and suggestion? Here we go.

I drew the ears, nose, eye, and feet. The rest of the cat is not really detailed. Just some colour and shadow. Now add some water for insta-cat!

I just love the effect! It’s far from perfect, but it works!