Today is the first day of the Tour de Fleece! Spinners around the world spin along with the cyclists in the Tour de France, some while watching the races, others just for spinning’s sake. Kickoff parties are taking place (I may visit one too this afternoon) and teams are formed on Ravelry. Of course I’m in Team Karma as always, and I’m also in Team Malcolm Fielding. That’s it for this year, because I have little time to spin and post.
I do have a tentative plan. I’m still busy spinning the Nunoco cobweb (I have 200 grams in total, and still about 150-160 grams to go), and I would like to spin the fibre from the Swap de Fleece:

On the left you see the fibre that I chose and sent to my downstream swappee, and on the right is the fibre that was sent to me. They are both gorgeous and very, very soft. The two rovings go well together next to each other, but I don’t think I want to mix them while spinning already. I may spin them separately and then combine them later in a knitting project, just like the fibre from last year’s Swap de Fleece.
This is as far as I have planned, and I think it’s plenty to spin for three weeks. I will be surprised if I manage to spin it all!