This past month has been very, very rainy. Usually it doesn’t rain that much in Den Haag. Living next to the sea has its perks! But this month we did not escape the water. It was not cold, the temperature was even slightly above average, but we had thunderstorms, hail, and lots and lots of rain. The national weather service announced code orange (dangerous weather) four times, and yesterday we had already had more than 200 mm of water (60-70 mm is normal). The month isn’t even over yet!

We did have some hot days and we did see the sun, but not as much as I would like. On cloudy days I just feel a bit less lively, and we had many of those. The weather will stay this way for a bit longer, but let’s hope that we will also get some real summer days in July. Now it seems more like autumn. Nature agrees:

Yes, I really just wrote a blog post about the weather… the weather in The Netherlands is hardly every boring, so it is a great conversation subject 🙂
Here’s a random painting of some colourful flowers. Just in case you feel a bit down about this rainy post.