At the moment I’m spinning a very nice bit of Nunoco roving. It’s in their Cobweb colourway. I actually spun a smaller bit of this colourway last year when I got it in the Swap de Fleece, and I combined it with the dark green that I chose myself in the warm-up socks of the Sock Madness…

I love spinning Nunoco fibres, as they are usually very soft and smooth to spin. I already had 100 grams of Cobweb in my stash and I recently got another 100 grams to spin. A nice large quantity for a substantial project. I’ve been using my Glasspins (yes, a new sibling has arrived!) and one of my Neal Brand spindles until now.

I love spinning this fibre, and I’m looking forward to using the finished yarn in a special project at some point. Something lacy, I think. Perhaps in combination with another handspun. But first I will enjoy spinning the rest!