Now that I have this nice crafting spot, I have to use it, of course. No problem, no sir! I put a sheet of hot-pressed paper on my drawing board, and started sketching a branch full of flowers and leaves. The background was more or less the same colours, but out of focus. Then I put masking fluid over the sketch, so that I could paint the background freely. The paint will not stick to the masking fluid, and you can pull it off quite easily later. Tricky stuff, though. It dries real quick, so I almost ruined a brush (an old one, but still).

Then I painted the background, wet in wet. I let the colours blend into each other. I used a tissue to regain some highlights when things got too messy.

Then the big job began: painting all the flowers and leaves. I pulled off the masking fluid. But… the sketch was gone! It somehow took it off or dissolved it or something. I did pencil it quite lightly, but all the detail was gone. Bummer!
I sketches a bit into it, but didn’t like the look of it. So I just started painting. I chose to be not too precise about what goes where, just about the general idea of buds and blossoms sprouting everywhere. I took some artistic freedom with the colours as well.

It is a bit messy (or you could call it loose), but I like it. It leaves something to the imagination. The colours are bright and joyful, and it was fun to paint this.