Today I decided to clean up our storage room a bit more. It’s a very narrow room (about 1.7 m wide) and we have a big cupboard with curvers in it (storage space for wool, yarn, computer parts, tools, etc). The room is too full. It’s a mess too. A while back I already worked on the front part, to make sure that you could freely walk in there again, but in the back there are still many things that we don’t use or need. We just couldn’t reach them to throw them out before…
I’ve been drawing painting a lot lately, and every time I miss having good light. It’s not very light in our house (except for when the sun is shining, but for painting that’s not optimal either), which is a bit annoying when you work with tones, values, and colour. So I had my eyes set on the space at the back of the storage room. There’s a window there, at the north west, so quite nice for neutral light. A good incentive to finally clean up the mess!
I moved one cupboard all the way out of the room and back in (I wanted to turn it around and put it opposite of the other cupboard, but the room was not wide enough to turn it). I moved out all kinds of stuff. And in the end, after hours of carrying things back and forth, I had opened up space at the back, next to the window. Now all I need is a desk and a chair, and I can start working there! We do even still have David’s old desk which I could use, but it’s a bit big, we’ll have to see whether it fits.

I really need to go through he stuff on the right hand side to take out the things we don’t use, but I didn’t have the energy to do more than moving things around today. The wooden beam on the floor is a nuisance, really. It may force me to buy a narrow desk and put it sideways, because otherwise I cannot put a chair in front of it. I don’t even know why it’s there. Oh, the joys of renting…
Anyway, I’m quite proud of myself for achieving this. I’m not going to post before pictures, because I don’t want to hurt your eyes.
No painting today. I’m too sore.