Today is the first day of the annual Sock Madness (SM)! It’s already the 10th edition of this crazy sock knitting competition on Ravelry. And this is the first time that I’m going to participate!
The Sock Madness consists of a number of rounds, and after every round, only the fastest knitters from each team proceed to the next round. The first round takes two weeks, and its purpose is to check the levels of the competitors to create fair teams for the next round. After that second round, not everybody who finishes their project will advance to the next round anymore…
Today’s pattern is made by a(n originally) Dutch Raveler: MyleneP! Such an honour. And it looks great! It’s a sock for which you need two colours of yarn. The resulting pattern looks a bit like weaving, and I love it! Can’t wait to get started…
I have been searching my stash for the yarn that I want to use, and I’ve come up with this:

The colours are kind of close, but the Regia colour does not occur in the Jojoland, as far as I can see. It will complement it nicely. SlipStripeSpiral is a toe-up sock, and I’m going to use the Regia for the toe, and then introduce the Jojoland gradient. I’m just joining the SM10 for fun, and I’m not expecting to come very far, but this could give my knitting mojo a boost.
Before I really start on the first SM10 pattern, I want to finish one more knitting project that is almost done… I shoud be able to finish it today!