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Spring is early

It’s spring here! This winter has been very, very warm compared to what we’re used to – you can hardly call it winter, it was more like a prolonged autumn, slowly transforming into spring. No snow, no ice. So nature is confused. A couple of weeks ago the first spring flowers started blooming, and you can see them more and more.

Crocuses in the end of January!
Crocuses in the end of January!
These are blooming since the beginning of February (or perhaps already before that...)
These are blooming since the beginning of February (or perhaps already before that…)
I love snowdrops. Today I spotted some in the neighbourhood.
I love snowdrops. Today I spotted some in the neighbourhood.

This is all very unusual. Nature is more than a month ahead of schedule. Could be climate change, could be El Niño, but whatever it is, it’s weird. I’m not complaining, but I keep having this feeling that things are not as they are supposed to be.

This morning I heard the birds sing when I was still lying in bed, and this evening I heard them sing again. They also know that spring is here. The sounds and smells outside are waking up. I love spring.

I'm not even sure how she got into that position
I’m not even sure how she got into that position. It looks quite uncomfortable: her hind leg is the wrong way around!

By the way, Freya got a new scratching pole today. She had completely killed the old one, so I went to the pet store to buy her a new one. The lady at the cash register sprayed it with catnip spray, so when I got home, Freya went completely bonkers. She was head butting, bunny kicking, and hugging the tree, rolling around, and generally having a great time.


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