It’s spring here! This winter has been very, very warm compared to what we’re used to – you can hardly call it winter, it was more like a prolonged autumn, slowly transforming into spring. No snow, no ice. So nature is confused. A couple of weeks ago the first spring flowers started blooming, and you can see them more and more.

This is all very unusual. Nature is more than a month ahead of schedule. Could be climate change, could be El Niño, but whatever it is, it’s weird. I’m not complaining, but I keep having this feeling that things are not as they are supposed to be.
This morning I heard the birds sing when I was still lying in bed, and this evening I heard them sing again. They also know that spring is here. The sounds and smells outside are waking up. I love spring.

By the way, Freya got a new scratching pole today. She had completely killed the old one, so I went to the pet store to buy her a new one. The lady at the cash register sprayed it with catnip spray, so when I got home, Freya went completely bonkers. She was head butting, bunny kicking, and hugging the tree, rolling around, and generally having a great time.