I have almost finished my latest spinning project (I only need to ply it still), so I’m thinking about what to spin next. I love spinning and making rolags, so yesterday I took out my blending board again to make some new ones. I love working with my blending board! Combining colours and fibres is fun.
I decided to take some (custom) mini batts that I bought from Nunoco a while ago and combine them. I was looking for crisp, icy colours, so I selected these:

I divided them in 32 bits of fibre each. Then I blended them together 4 by 4 (keeping the Snow Glow gradient). You can’t really see it that well in the picture, but these batts contained angelina/stellina sparkles as well as some silk. They are glimmering!

It looks a bit like cotton candy, doesn’t it? I was thinking of winter when selecting the colours, but my husband passed the table saying “Aww, poor unicorn”. So unicorn fleece it is.
This time I have made a video of making one of the rolags. Who knows, maybe someone will find it useful!
Long story short. in the end I had a new collection of rolags to spin. I can’t wait to get started!

Oh, and I couldn’t resist, I made another batch after this… autumnal colours this time, inspired by the beautiful October we had this year (forest greens, rusty reds, gold, brown, combined with a clear blue sky):

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