Last week I went shopping – quite unique for me, I don’t really like it (except for shopping for hobby stuff, of course), but sometimes you have to. In this case, I needed new shoes. My old ones had holes in them… Yes, I hate shopping that much.
So I went to the city centre. Fortunately, there was a sale going on almost everywhere.
First I went to a cheap shoe shop, where I found a pair of short boots that looked quite nice. I bought them, but I immediately started doubting the purchase. The heels were quite high, the material not that sturdy… But at least I had something, right?
Then I went to another shop, where I found some really cute shoes:

I tried them on and they fit very well! I fell in love even though I knew they were not practical at all. I needed day-to-day shoes, not dress up shoes!
So I looked around some more. And I found some very nice ankle boots that also fit perfectly:

Coincidentally, the shop had a sale where you got an extra 10 euros off the second pair of shoes. So, yeah, I really had to buy both pairs. Right?
Oh, I returned the first pair I bought at the cheap shop. No need for three pairs. Or… well, maybe I’ll go looking for some short boots with low heels this week, for when I go to the beach or take a walk in nature. I don’t want to do that to my pretty red ankle boots.
Freya was quite happy with her present when I came home. She barked with delight!

I’m thinking of renaming her to Puppies. Nothing is more cute than Puppies, right?