As I’m spinning every day, I’m noticing that I’m producing a lot of yarn (well, for spinning on spindles, that is). I’m really enjoying it, and I’m trying to keep my default thickness such that n-plying the singles results in about sport to fingering weight yarn. Last year that default thickness was DK, and I don’t want to spin much thinner by default.
So, I’ve been spinning the fibre from AdrianArt that I bought at the Dutch Knitting Days. I’ve finished the purple merino (which was a dream to spin!). This is one of my best yarns so far. It’s very well balanced and even.

Then I took up the merino/silk (50/50), and started spinning that. After a while I realised that this consisted of two parts, one merino and one silk, so I decided to randomly spin them in bits, and then n-ply the single. It worked out well, and despite my fingers becoming a bit green, this was a nice spin.

On to the next project! That one only took me a couple of days, because I managed to spin a bit thicker. Another 100% merino, lovely and squishy, and great to spin.

Now I’m spinning some lovely BFL. It has been a while. I’m spinning quite thin, automatically, so this will be the single on which I will try the 4-n-ply that I thought of some time ago and that I still want to try to do…
manman wat een productie! de garens zien er prachtig uit, de paarse heel mooi gelijkmatig ja.