This year’s Tour de Fleece has been a lot of fun! I’ve spun for Team Karma (as usual), Team Mirkwood, Team Malcolm Fielding, and Team Woodland Woodworking. Note that I did not participate in any of the Turk teams this year. I still love spinning on Turks, but this time I would like to focus on spinning on my supported spindles and on my wheel (and I did not have that much time to spin anyway).
So, I made plans. I wanted to spin all of this:

A TARDIS batt, some undyed merino, swap fibre…
And I did spin a lot, just not exactly what I planned. I took out my wheel to spin the swap fibre, and got the wheel spinning bug, so I decided to spin a Dutch Wool Diva braid, and then another… in the end I had not even spun 1 meter of TARDIS batt (and just a bit of undyed merino), but somehow another braid was started as well…

I’m quite happy with the result. I also had a lot of fun with my fellow mods/captains in Team Karma. We did some theme days, like Green Day, Rainbow Unicorn Glitter Fart Day, etc! It was great. And I even won a prize in the Malcolm Fielding group, a Dyavol! So happy, that’s my favourite spindle at the moment!