After drawing mostly portraits, I decided to try something else. A cityscape of sorts. I really love the few canals Den Haag still has, so I decided to try to draw one of them. Also, I went to a local budget store (Lidl) and bought a daylight lamp for just a bit under 20 euros. Nice bargain! So, tonight I could continue drawing after dark!

Drawing water is hard! And drawing leaves is hard too! I need more practice. However, the cool thing is that I made this with pastels, not pastel pencils, of which I have quite a limited range of colours. I did manage to put in some detail, despite the fact that the medium is not that fine (with the size of paper I’m using anyway).
A nice thing about this picture is, that the further away you go, the more realistic it becomes. Also, it’s funny that all the trees on one side of the street have already turned yellow, while the other side is still quite green. Probably because of the position of the sun… I do like the sky, it really looks like a typical Dutch day with sun, clouds and the occasional shower.
I left out some stuff on purpose. I don’t like the cars in the street, so I didn’t draw them. Also, when looking at the horizon, you could see some kind of boring apartment complex, which I also left out. Now, the canal leads into nothingness (beyond the bridge)… Ha-ha, it’s my painting, so I get to decide what’s going to be in there!