Somehow, I am drawn toward drawing portraits. I have the same thing happening when I make photos. I like making close ups, and to try and catch the essence of the person. I love landscapes too, though, I guess I should try drawing one soon. Anyway, today I’ve been drawing my (other) nephew. It was not easy, I tend to be careful when applying more layers, and perhaps I need to be bolder. The Caran d’Ache pencils also seem to fill up the paper grooves quicker than the Cretacolor pencils, which I’m still getting used to. I guess it would be a good idea to buy some paper especially made for drawing with pastels.

I tried to make the light come in from the left, which works for the face, but I didn’t manage to make it convincing in his sweater. I also would like the overall look to be smoother, I guess that means drawing thicker, to make it look less pencil-y. It’s nice to learn a new skill, though, and I manage to improve little by little.