Today is the day: the start of the Tour de Fleece! Spinners all over the world spin yarns during the Tour de France. They participate in teams and contend for prizes or just for the honour of reaching their goals. I’m participating in multiple teams this year: Team Karma (of course), Team DWD (for my DWD fibers), Team Turk and Team Jenkins for the spinning on Turks, and Team Supported Spinning for, you guessed it, supported spinning.
Here are my, way too positive and fanatic, goals for this Tour.
On my spinning wheel, I will spin a DWD roving (already started, bottom right). After that, the fibers from the Tour le Karma swap (top left). If time left: more DWD (top right) and maybe that gorgeous purple BFL roving (bottom left) as well…

For the teams that feature the Turkish spindle, I will be spinning pure silk for the first time. I took out my smallest spindles (Kuchulus) and will be using them to spin a laceweight yarn.

Of course, I also want to improve my supported spinning skills. That’s why I will also be spinning multiple supported spindles. First I will finish spinning on the TwistedGrain spindle on the left, and after that, I have some Nunoco mini batts to spin with some different support spindles.

Nothing is etched in stone, though, I’ll see how far I’ll get, having fun is the most important part of the Tour!