Today I received a package that I have been looking forward to for a long time. In January, just before WoodlandWoodworking became famous and everybody wanted one of his spindles, I ordered a Tibetan with lap chalice from Carl. A custom one, in holly wood, painted with blue paint, with a TARDIS theme (from Dr Who). Both the spindle and the chalice have a text painted onto the edge: Time And Relative Dimension In Space (TARDIS), and a picture of the TARDIS is painted on the inside of the lap chalice and on the spindle.

Both the spindle and the chalice have a beautiful form, and the paint job has been done very precisely. Carl already warned me beforehand that the finishing might make the holly a bit more yellow, but I don’t mind. It looks more like wood that way.

I tried spinning this beautiful combination, and was very surprised: it spins on and on and on, I think it easily has the longest spin of all of the spindles I own. It’s quite light at 27 grams. The lap chalice weighs 59 grams. The finishing is nice and smooth, as are the shapes of both the spindle and the chalice.

If you see and feel it spinning, it seems as if it spins longer than it should. Could it be that the laws of time and space are somehow ignored by this special spindle? I guess only time will tell, and I think we will have a wonderful time together.
You are so lucky to have gotten a custom order before the rush! I think his painted designs are just so wonderful and it’s great to hear that they are good spinners, too.
I just discovered your blog (though I have long been in love with your photos of the Capar spindles on Ravelry :P) and I love seeing someone who is addicted to spindles as much as me! My collection still needs to grow quite a bit but I love seeing detailed photos of yours! The TARDIS is gorgeous 😀