Those two Phil Powell spindles I have are my favourite supported spindles. They spin fast and long, and dance in your hand (okay, not literally). They look lovely, like wizard’s wands, and the finish is beautiful. Lately, Phils Etsy shop, Custom Wood Designs, has been closed because he was moving. His shop has reopened now, but he is still working on new spindles, so there have not been many updates… just one, when he just returned: there was a gorgeous Snakewood Russian there, with a crystal tip.
I do have a Snakewood Russian, but that one has a gemstone tip, and I was curious what a crystal tip would spin like. Also, snakewood is one of my favourite woods, so I didn’t mind getting another spindle in that wood. And, if it was a disappointment (or way better than a gemstone tip) I could always sell the one I liked less.
So I ordered the spindle, and it arrived safely in about a week, nice and fast. No customs problems. I opened the box and was blown away. This crystal has a life of its own!

And of course it spins wonderful, too… how could I have doubted that? I guess this spindle will have to stay with me for some time. What a shame…
Wow, gorgeous! And great photos.