Bumblebeebutt Friday, August 16, 2013Monday, December 30, 2013Meilindis Leave a comment Just adorable.
How does your garden grow? Wednesday, August 14, 2013Monday, December 30, 2013Meilindis Leave a comment Since both David and I have no green thumb at all, we only have (surviving) plants that can take some…
Firebird Thursday, July 26, 2012Thursday, January 2, 2014Meilindis Leave a comment I just love the phoenix, and the symbolism of it. So I painted one.
A strange, colourful bird Monday, June 4, 2012Thursday, January 2, 2014Meilindis 1 Comment Or a self portrait with a wink 😉
Design Wednesday, February 29, 2012Friday, April 2, 2021Meilindis Leave a comment One of the things I wanted to do for quite some time already, is designing my own knitting projects. I…
Art in the hospital Friday, January 6, 2012Thursday, January 2, 2014Meilindis Leave a comment When I was in the hospital for knee surgery last week, luckily I had my iPad with me to help…
Catching up Wednesday, December 30, 2009Sunday, June 9, 2019Meilindis Leave a comment It has been quite a long time since I’ve written anything here… but that doesn’t mean that nothing happened! On…
First real photography job! Thursday, October 15, 2009Thursday, January 2, 2014Meilindis Leave a comment After the success of the photographs I made of the concerts before the summer holidays, my colleague asked me officially…
Pics! Friday, November 11, 2005Sunday, January 3, 2021Meilindis Leave a comment Maar liefst 161 foto’s werden er gemaakt… en sommige zijn niet eens zo heel wazig! Ja ja, ik heb het…